目前分類:理財投資 (102)

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如果世界不知道他的勝利,也不會在意他的挫敗。 ~ 《富比世》(Forbes)雜誌1981年10月12日一期談到喬治•索羅斯(George Soros)

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我們的目標從來不是最大,而是追求最好。 ~ 素有債券大王之稱的比爾•葛洛斯(Bill Gross)

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投資致富的軌跡在於,做自己喜歡的事,擁有熱情,願意不斷的學習、做功課,發掘別人還沒有看到的機會,這是我永恆不變的投資哲學。而跟隨群眾是永遠不會成功的。 ~ 吉姆.羅傑斯(Jim Rogers)

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我從不嫖妓,卻知道跟老鴇或黑市商人聊天,比跟外交部長談話,更能了解一個國家。 ~ 投資高手吉姆•羅傑斯(Jim Rogers)

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我犯的錯和旁邊的傢伙一樣多。但是我想,我的長處是坦承自己犯下錯誤。而這是我的成功祕密。(I make as many mistakes as the next guy. But where I do think that I excel is in recognizing my mistakes, you see. And that is the secret to my success.) ~ 喬治‧索羅斯(George Soros)

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要成功,你得悠閒。你需要好整以暇。(To be successful, you need leisure. You need time hanging heavily on your hands.) ~ 喬治•索羅斯(George Soro)

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如果你做得不好,那麼第一步是走為上策。別想要翻本。而當你從頭來過,務必從小做起。 ~ 喬治‧索羅斯(George Soros)

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你必須做個決定。我比眼前的老虎要強嗎,或者我該逃跑?(You have to make a decision. Am I stronger than the tiger that is confronting me, or should I run away?) ~ 喬治•索羅斯(George Soros)

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情況愈不確定,人們受市場趨勢的影響愈大;而追隨趨勢的投機交易的影響愈大,情況變得愈不確定。(The greater the uncertainty, the more people are influenced by the market trends; and the greater the influence of trend-following speculation, the more uncertain the situation becomes.)

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迅速認賠出場、放手讓利潤盡可能滾大,以及管理風險,力求繼續存活,才是真能賺到錢的方法。當你終於打從內心深處了解這一點,就掌握了交易成功的關鍵祕密之一。(Cutting losses short, riding profits hard, and managing risk so that you continue to survive is what really makes you money. When you finally understand this at a gut level, you will know one of the key secrets to trading success.)

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在今天的世界中,危險通常是心理上的,跑得更快無法幫助我們處理交易上的危險。(In today’s world, the danger is usually mental and being able to run faster doesn’t help us deal with trading dangers.)

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事實上,你想做的事情愈多,成功的可能性愈低。(In fact, the more you try to do, the less likely you are to succeed.)

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事情做得愈複雜,想要成功愈難。保持簡單,在人生和在市場上都吃得開,行得通。( The more you try to make things complex, the harder it will be for you to be successful. Keeping things simple works both in life and in the markets.)

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傑克•史華格(Jack Schwager)寫完頭兩位市場怪傑之後,做成的主要結論是:所有出色的交易人(traders)都會發展適合自己的系統。

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好交易人和普通交易人一個重大的差別,是好交易人靠簡單和未知而賺大錢。他們單純只是隨著市場的潮流而走。如果市場告訴他們股價就要漲了,他們會放手買進。(A critical difference between good traders and average traders is that good traders thrive on simplicity and not knowing. They simply go with the flow of the markets. If the markets tell them it’s time for stock prices to go up, they buy.)

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交易(trading)之所以有趣,正因為有賠錢的可能。(Trading is interesting only because of the possibility of losing.)

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