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智慧語錄 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

人在做,天在看。 ~ 閩南語諺語

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智慧語錄 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

上帝說:「你們建構了目標達不到的世界──擁有最多或者當最好的。那些接近目標的人,會很快承認那裡沒有什麼值得達成的。」(In Laughing with God, God says, “You have set up a world of unattainable goals—having the most or being the best. Those who come close will readily admit that there is nothing there worth attaining.”)

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智慧語錄 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

孩子們從最簡單的事情得到樂趣:穿過林地、深吸一口新鮮的空氣、和有趣的人在一起、看日落、淋雨嬉戲。(Children take joy in the simplest things: walking through the woods, taking a deep breath of fresh air, being with someone who is fun, seeing a sunset, splashing in the rain.)

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如果存在的一切都是確定的,金融市場一點樂趣都沒有。事實上,大部分人不會再玩。(The markets would not be any fun if all that existed was cer-tainty. In fact, most people would stop playing. Perhaps I should have put the word playing in italics because playing is what children do that gives them joy. As adults, we’re taught to take life seriously and stop the joy.)

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