目前分類:企業經營 (109)

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(One has to take calculated risks in business, but it’s also important to switch gears immediately if you think your decision was wrong. ~ Atsutoshi Nishida, Toshiba’s chief executive)

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趕快把某樣東西丟進市場,從中學習,然後推進到下一個發展階段,往往比徹底分析一個觀念,想在推出之前到達完美極致要好。It’s often better to get something into the market quickly, learn from it, and move on to the next phase of development than to analyze an idea to death and try to perfect it before launch. (Source: Beating the Odds When You Lanuch a New Venture, Harvard Business Review, May 2010)

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eBay前總裁兼執行長梅格‧惠特曼(Meg Whitman)表示,這家公司草創時期能夠成功,是因為體認到追求完美有時是把事情做好的大敵。According to Meg Whitman, the former president and CEO of eBay, the company succeeded in its earliest days by recognizing that perfection is sometimes the enemy of the good. (Source: Beating the Odds When You Lanuch a New Venture, Harvard Business Review, May 2010)

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這一點,再怎麼強調都不嫌多:新公司設立之初,關於原始策略,唯一能夠知道的事,是它可能部分對,也可能部分錯。 We cannot make this point too strongly: At the start of a new venture, the only thing you can know about your initial strategy is that it’s probably part right and part wrong. (Source: Beating the Odds When You Lanuch a New Venture, Harvard Business Review, May 2010)

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獨立自主的新創企業占有的競爭優勢,是它們口袋中的錢太少,沒辦法往錯誤的方向走太遠。 (Source: Beating the Odds When You Lanuch a New Venture, Harvard Business Review, May 2010)

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聰明的創業家不是牛仔──他們是精打細算的風險經理人。 Smart entrepreneurs aren't cowboys—they’re methodical managers of risk. (Source: Beating the Odds When You Lanuch a New Venture, Harvard Business Review, May 2010)

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摩爾定律(Moore's Law)給了我們保證:等愈久才買資訊科技產品,同樣的錢能買到更多。(Moore’s Law guarantees that the longer you wait to make an IT purchase, the more you’ll get for your money.)

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大部分公司花太多錢(在資訊科技上),卻得到很少的回報。(Most companies spend too much (on IT) and get very little in return.) ~ 甲骨文公司(Oracle)的雷利‧艾利森(Larry Ellison)

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技術進步一日千里,延緩資訊科技的投資,反而可能是縮減成本的另一利器──也可以減低公司堆滿稀奇古怪或者不久就要落伍淘汰的技術的可能性。(Given the rapid pace of technology's advance, delaying IT investments can be another powerful way to cut costs—while also reducing a firm's chance of being saddled with buggy or soon-to-be-obsolete technology.)

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當一種資源成了與人競爭時不可或缺,但對策略而言無足輕重,它所製造的風險便比它提供的好處重要。(When a resource becomes essential to competition but inconsequential to strat-egy, the risks it creates become more important than the advantages it provides.)

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企業高階主管往往掉進一個陷阱,以為帶來優勢的機會,是無限期供應的。(The trap that executives often fall into, however, is assuming that opportunities for advantage will be available indefinitely.)

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資訊科技的力量和普及,開始使它們從潛在的策略資源,轉化為商品式的生產因素。它們正成為所有的人非支付不可的企業經營成本,卻沒人能夠因它而與眾不同。(Their very power and presence have begun to transform them from potentially strategic resources into commodity factors of production. They are becoming costs of doing business that must be paid by all but provide distinction to none.)

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擁有競爭對手所沒有的東西,或者正在做競爭對手做不來的事情,你相對於他們才占有優勢。(You only gain an edge over rivals by having or doing something that they can’t have or do.)

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一種資源不是因為它普遍存在,而是因為稀有,才真正有其策略價值,因為這麼一來,它才能成為永續競爭優勢的基礎。(What makes a resource truly strategic—what gives it the capacity to be the basis for a sustained competitive advantage—is not ubiquity but scarcity.)

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有了內燃機的發明,汽車應運而生,卻要等到亨利‧福特(Henry Ford)設計新的生產流程,以及建造道路、加油站等之後,汽車時代才起跑,逼得馬和馬車消逝在歷史的洪流中。(The invention of the internal combustion engine gave rise to the automobile, but it was Henry Ford’s production process and the construction of roads, gas stations, and so on that ushered in the automobile age, dooming the horse and carriage. ) 《哈佛商業評論》,November 2009。

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出處:哈佛商業評論2009/08 http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/andrewlo0623/exep/prod/magazine/mag_subscribe.php?item=MAG0000109

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出處:哈佛商業評論2009/08 http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/andrewlo0623/exep/prod/magazine/mag_subscribe.php?item=MAG0000109

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作家的大敵不是盜版,而是沒沒無聞。 ~ 提姆•歐萊里(Tim O'Reilly)

出處:Free: The Future of a Radical Price

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