目前分類:理財投資 (102)

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不要買了股票之後,才去問別人覺得怎樣。如果他不同意你的判斷,你終究不會聽他的;你只是到處尋找同意你看法的人,這只是浪費時間罷了。 ~ 漢弗萊•尼爾(Do not buy a stock and then ask someone what he thinks of it. If he disagrees with your judgment, you will not pay any attention to him anyway; and it is a waste of breath to run around looking solely for people who will agree with you. ~ Humphrey B. Neill)

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根據我本身的觀察,我相信,想要投資的人,很少真的渴望別人提供建議。他們只是希望別人贊同他們已經下定決心要做的事。 ~ 愛默生•麥克米林(My own observation has led me to believe that few would-be investors really desire advice. They merely want approval of what they have already made up their minds to do. ~ Emerson McMillin)

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金融科目測驗分數佳的孩子,來自富裕、受過良好教育的家庭,而且孩子們表示,父母是他們金融事務的主要資訊來源。(Children who score well on financial literacy tests come from well-off , well-educated families, and children cite their parents as their primary source of information on financial matters.)

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在教導孩子認識金融,以及灌輸儲蓄和投資習慣方面,學校的成效遠比父母要差。中學的認識金融教育,對金融知識的影響極小,對理財行為的影響更小。(Schools are much less effective than parents in teaching fi-nancial literacy and inculcating saving and investment habits in children. High school education in financial literacy had little effect on financial knowledge and even less on financial behav-ior.)

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父母如果沒有教導小孩在金錢和生活之間取得平衡,可能見到孩子長大之後缺乏那種平衡。(Parents who fail to teach their children a balance between money and life might see children grow into adults lacking that balance.)

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(The one thing that retards success in trading, more than any other, is the unwillingness of many of us to accept losses, cheerfully and quickly. For heaven’s sake, you do not need to have a love affair with your stock just because you bought it. Love is sometimes fickle, you know. ~ Humphrey Neill)

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你得到選擇的自由。而你真正想要的是免於選擇的自由。(Freedom of choice is what you got. Freedom from choice is what you want.)

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(Stocks go up and down for many reasons and no reason at all. We need not kick ourselves with regret every time stock prices go down, and we should not stroke ourselves with pride every time they go up.)

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懊惱叫人痛苦,自豪則叫人欣喜,但兩者都是老師,警告我們不要有可能引起懊惱的行為,並且鼓勵我們表現可能引起自豪的行為。(Regret is painful while pride is pleasurable, but both are teachers, warning us against behavior likely to inflict regret and encouraging us to toward behavior likely to bring pride.)

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看在老天的份上,你不需要只因為買了股票就愛上它。大家都知道,愛有時是反覆無常的。 ~ 反向意見投資理論之父韓福瑞•尼爾(Humphrey Neill)(For heaven’s sake, you do not need to have a love affair with your stock just because you bought it. Love is sometimes fickle, you know.)

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當今社會的最大錯誤是將資本當成收入。 ~ 德裔英國經濟學者舒馬赫(E. F. Schumacher, 1911-77)

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只要樂音繼續揚起,你就必須翩翩起舞。 ~ 花旗(Citi)的執行長裘克•普林斯(Chuck Prince)



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欠債的是債主的僕人。 ~ 聖經箴言二十二章第七節(The borrower is servant to the lender. ~ Proverbs 22:7)

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The most significant lesson (George) Soros taught him, (Stanley) Druckenmiller suggested, was “that it’s not whether you’re right or wrong that’s important but how much money you make when you’re right and how much you lose when you’re wrong. The few times that Soros has ever criticized me were when I was really right on a market and didn’t maximize the opportunity.” 卓肯米勒表示,索羅斯教他的最重要一課,是「重要的不在你對或錯,而是對的時候賺多少錢,以及錯的時候賠多少。索羅斯批評過我的少數幾次,是當我真的看對市場,卻沒將機會極大化的時候。」(Source:Super Trader: Make Consistent Profits in Good and Bad Markets,Van K. Tharp

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他(喬治•索羅斯)對你的要求,就只是要你相信你告訴他的事情,要你不斷檢證和交互檢證。他會設法掐住你的脖子,說:「你是不是仍然相信昨天告訴我的話?」(“All he (George Soros) asked of you is that you believe what you’re telling him, that you constantly examine and cross-examine. He would try to go to the jugular, and say, ‘Do you still believe what you told me yesterday?’”) ~ 詹姆士‧馬凱斯(James Marquez)

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