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企業高階主管往往掉進一個陷阱,以為帶來優勢的機會,是無限期供應的。(The trap that executives often fall into, however, is assuming that opportunities for advantage will be available indefinitely.)

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資訊科技的力量和普及,開始使它們從潛在的策略資源,轉化為商品式的生產因素。它們正成為所有的人非支付不可的企業經營成本,卻沒人能夠因它而與眾不同。(Their very power and presence have begun to transform them from potentially strategic resources into commodity factors of production. They are becoming costs of doing business that must be paid by all but provide distinction to none.)

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擁有競爭對手所沒有的東西,或者正在做競爭對手做不來的事情,你相對於他們才占有優勢。(You only gain an edge over rivals by having or doing something that they can’t have or do.)

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一種資源不是因為它普遍存在,而是因為稀有,才真正有其策略價值,因為這麼一來,它才能成為永續競爭優勢的基礎。(What makes a resource truly strategic—what gives it the capacity to be the basis for a sustained competitive advantage—is not ubiquity but scarcity.)

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巧詐不如拙誠。 ~ 漢‧劉向

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以智慧時時修正偏差 以慈悲處處給人方便。 ~ 聖嚴法師

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如果一個姑娘想嫁富翁,那就不是愛情,財產是最無足輕重的東西,只有經得起別離的痛苦才是真正的愛情。 ~ 列夫·托爾斯泰(俄國小說家)

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