目前分類:理財投資 (102)
- Dec 04 Fri 2009 10:18
- Dec 04 Fri 2009 10:15
截至目前,我人生最成功的一次投資在 1974年,當時美國雖面臨石油危機以及停滯性通膨等威脅--但股票很便宜。 ~ 巴菲特
截至目前,我人生最成功的一次投資在 1974年,當時美國雖面臨石油危機以及停滯性通膨等威脅--但股票很便宜。 ~ 巴菲特
- Dec 04 Fri 2009 10:05
新資訊不斷衝擊著所有的生物,他們的存活取決於是不是接納那些資訊。(New information continually impinges on all living creatures, and their ability to survive depends on their openness to that information.)
- Dec 03 Thu 2009 17:55
一個目標清楚、執著力行的人,遭遇障礙之後,會重新聚焦於目標,再朝目標走去。相形之下,不執著投入的人可能和障礙共舞一段很長的時間。事實上,大部分人終生都在和橫梗路上的障礙共舞。(... (A) committed person with a clear goal will encounter an obstacle, refocus on the goal, and move out again toward the goal. An un-committed person, in contrast, may do a dance with the obstacle that could last a long time. In fact, most people spend their en-tire lives doing dances with obstacles that get in their way.)
- Nov 30 Mon 2009 17:30
- Nov 02 Mon 2009 16:22
這是在金融市場交易的基本黃金守則:迅速認賠停損,以及放手讓你的獲利愈滾愈大。這是成功的關鍵之一,大部分人卻很難做到。(This is essentially the golden rule of trading: Cut your losses short and let your profits run. It’s one of the keys to success, but it is very hard for most people to do.)
- Nov 02 Mon 2009 16:10
你有可能30%的時候做對,仍然賺到不少錢。([Y]ou can be right about 30% of the time and still make good money.)
- Nov 01 Sun 2009 16:10
良好操作的主要守則之一,是進場交易之前,一定要設好出場點。這是這筆交易最糟情況下的風險。到了這一點,你會說:「這筆交易出了差錯,我得出場以求保本。」(One of the cardinal rules of good trading is always to have an exit point before you enter into a trade. This is your worst-case risk for the trade. It’s the point at which you would say, “Something’s wrong with this trade, and I need to get out to preserve my capital.” )
- Oct 31 Sat 2009 14:19
選對股票,抱牢直到老死,不是投資成功的魔法,除非你極其幸運。(Picking the right stock and holding it until you die is not the magic formula for success unless you are very, very lucky.)
- Oct 24 Sat 2009 22:18
凡人傾向於玩賠錢的經濟遊戲。如果你真的了解這個因素,你在市場上的長期成功機率會大大提高。(Human Beings Tend to Play a Losing . Economic Game. If you really understand this factor, your chances of long-term success in the market are greatly increased.)
- Oct 24 Sat 2009 16:01
通常在你最興奮的時候,一切結束了。(In fact, it usually ends when you are most excited about it.)
- Oct 24 Sat 2009 14:13
分散投資是思考的替代品。 ~ 華倫•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)
分散投資是思考的替代品。(Diversification is a substitute for not thinking.) ~ 華倫•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)
意思:分散投資,就不必動腦筋去思考了 。或者:如果不想動腦筋思考,那就分散投資。
意思:分散投資,就不必動腦筋去思考了 。或者:如果不想動腦筋思考,那就分散投資。
- Oct 22 Thu 2009 10:45
你不能操作市場,只能操作你對市場的信念(beliefs)。(You cannot trade the market. You can only trade your beliefs about the market.)
- Oct 13 Tue 2009 21:37
如果存在的一切都是確定的,金融市場一點樂趣都沒有。事實上,大部分人不會再玩。(The markets would not be any fun if all that existed was cer-tainty. In fact, most people would stop playing. Perhaps I should have put the word playing in italics because playing is what children do that gives them joy. As adults, we’re taught to take life seriously and stop the joy.)
- Oct 11 Sun 2009 15:52
在金融市場操作之所以有趣,正因為有賠錢的可能。(Trading is interesting only because of the possibility of losing.)
- Oct 11 Sun 2009 14:57
如果你正在觀賞一場運動比賽,卻有人告訴你最後的比分,那會怎麼樣?你還會看下去嗎?可能不會,因為結果難料,才吸引你的注意。(What if you recorded a sporting event and someone told you the final score? Would you still watch it? Probably not because it’s the uncertainty of the outcome that keeps your attention.)
- Oct 11 Sun 2009 14:38
你們的整個社會,因為失敗,或者至少因為害怕失去,而欣欣向榮。如果沒有輸的可能,你可能就不會為成功而歡呼。在市場上賺錢,在你將味同嚼蠟。(Your whole society thrives on failure or at least the fear of losing. If there were not the possibility of losing, you could not take any credit for success. Making money in the markets would seem meaningless for you.)
- Aug 12 Wed 2009 20:33
我到了這人生地不熟之地,掉到谷底。這不是很棒的感覺嗎?現在只有一個方向可走。 ~ 喬治•索羅斯(George Soros)
我到了這人生地不熟之地,掉到谷底。這不是很棒的感覺嗎?現在只有一個方向可走。(Here I am. I have reached bottom. Isn’t that a wonderful feeling? There’s only one way to go.) ~ 喬治•索羅斯(George Soros)
出處:Soros - The World's Most Influential Investor
- Aug 12 Wed 2009 17:07
冒險時,別把全部家當賭下去。別拿一切去冒險。那麼做,愚蠢、不切實際,也不必要。(When taking risks, don’t bet the ranch. Never risk everything. That would be foolish, impractical, and unnecessary.)
出處:Soros - The World's Most Influential Investor
- Aug 11 Tue 2009 16:50
出處:Soros - The World's Most Influential Investor