The most significant lesson (George) Soros taught him, (Stanley) Druckenmiller suggested, was “that it’s not whether you’re right or wrong that’s important but how much money you make when you’re right and how much you lose when you’re wrong. The few times that Soros has ever criticized me were when I was really right on a market and didn’t maximize the opportunity.” 卓肯米勒表示,索羅斯教他的最重要一課,是「重要的不在你對或錯,而是對的時候賺多少錢,以及錯的時候賠多少。索羅斯批評過我的少數幾次,是當我真的看對市場,卻沒將機會極大化的時候。」(Source:Super Trader: Make Consistent Profits in Good and Bad Markets,Van K. Tharp)