試著做這件事:每天花十五分鐘,享受此刻的美好。去找美的事物,看它、聽它、聞它,等等。注意它多叫人驚奇,整整十五分鐘感受它。結束之後,說聲謝謝。請注意這對你的性靈做了什麼,你的感覺如何,最後則是對你的操作有什麼影響。你會很驚訝!去試就是。(Try this out: Take 15 minutes each day to enjoy the magnificence of the moment. Find something beautiful and take in the sights, sounds, smells, and so on. Notice how wonderful it all is and spend the full 15 minutes taking it in. When you are finished, give thanks. Notice what this does for your soul, how you feel, and ultimately your trading. You’ll be surprised! Just try it.)

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你想到的每一件事都已成過去。就算你覺得極其痛苦,那種感受其實發生在數毫秒之前。那不是現在發生的事。你想到的每一件事,以及擔心的每一件事都過去了。當你釋出它們,專注於眼前,你會發現一切都美麗與祥和。是我們的想法,造成不安和苦惱,而我們的想法,是根據自己對過去發生事情的解讀而來。當你了解這一點,我相信你會有很大的突破,了解自己真正是什麼樣的人。(Everything you think about is in the past. Even if you are feeling excruciating pain, what you actually are experiencing happened milliseconds ago. It’s not what is happening now. Everything you think about and everything you worry about are in the past. When you release them and concentrate on the now, you’ll find that everything is beautiful and peaceful. It’s only our thoughts, based on our interpretations of what happened in the past, that cause upset and struggle. When you realize this, I believe that you’ll have an enormous breakthrough in understanding who you really are.)

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你想到的每一件事都已成過去。就算你覺得極其痛苦,那種感受其實發生在數毫秒之前。那不是現在發生的事。你想到的每一件事,以及擔心的每一件事都過去了。當你釋出它們,專注於眼前,你會發現一切都美麗與祥和。是我們的想法,造成不安和苦惱,而我們的想法,是根據自己對過去發生事情的解讀而來。當你了解這一點,我相信你會有很大的突破,了解自己真正是什麼樣的人。(Everything you think about is in the past. Even if you are feeling excruciating pain, what you actually are experiencing happened milliseconds ago. It’s not what is happening now. Everything you think about and everything you worry about are in the past. When you release them and concentrate on the now, you’ll find that everything is beautiful and peaceful. It’s only our thoughts, based on our interpretations of what happened in the past, that cause upset and struggle. When you realize this, I believe that you’ll have an enormous breakthrough in understanding who you really are.)

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你想到的每一件事都已成過去。就算你覺得極其痛苦,那種感受其實發生在數毫秒之前。那不是現在發生的事。你想到的每一件事,以及擔心的每一件事都過去了。當你釋出它們,專注於眼前,你會發現一切都美麗與祥和。是我們的想法,造成不安和苦惱,而我們的想法,是根據自己對過去發生事情的解讀而來。當你了解這一點,我相信你會有很大的突破,了解自己真正是什麼樣的人。(Everything you think about is in the past. Even if you are feeling excruciating pain, what you actually are experiencing happened milliseconds ago. It’s not what is happening now. Everything you think about and everything you worry about are in the past. When you release them and concentrate on the now, you’ll find that everything is beautiful and peaceful. It’s only our thoughts, based on our interpretations of what happened in the past, that cause upset and struggle. When you realize this, I believe that you’ll have an enormous breakthrough in understanding who you really are.)

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如果悲觀能讓我的小天使好起來,那我會大哭一場。 ~ 柯信雄
兔唇不是顎裂 佳暮小公主唇上留了印記 | 綜合 | 國內要聞 | 聯合新聞網: "佳暮英雄柯信雄結婚八年終於得女,雖然老天在女兒的唇上作了印記,他樂觀面對。本報獨家報導這項訊息後,各界關心湧入,要介紹最好的醫生為女嬰手術,來自各方的愛讓夫婦倆感動不已。……



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如果你不知道要去哪裡,任何路都可以到達那裡。(If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there)

出處:Harvard Business Review, April 2008.

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